To mainstream compassion in business
In the past 100 years, industrialization has been forcing people to work hard in the mass-production society where rationality and efficiency have high priority. I was born in this era and had worked while having feelings of discomfort towards materialism, over-convenience, environmental destruction and human relationship dilution.
I would imagine our future to be;
Instead of being overwhelmed by the busyness, everyone can feel the beauty of earth’s nature, live together with compassion, enjoy life slowly following their spiritual intuition, cherish our bodies, and spend everyday of life mindfully.

Logistics – Fresh produce with its original life force. Our body can receive all these blessings with local logistics.
Marketplace – Zero waste. All producers knowing for whom they are producing, trading with a sense of humanity in the marketplace.
World – No more fighting. No wasting of our energy resources in competing, but rather fostering love and letting the world shine.
Workplace – Independent individuals expressing their opinions equally regardless of their position or status. A good relationship built in such a workplace.
Society - Diverse people interacting with each other while embracing differences and imperfections, expressing thoughts and ideas, and having healthy discussions in society.
We aspire for such a world.