For Business Owners
and Job Seekers
Being Business Design Sessions
Life aligned your “Being” is the key to happiness even in your business life. The course cultivates the art of creating business value emerging from your “Being.” Our course is designed to help you shift pivotal moments in your life towards a true fulfillment direction.
More and more people are beginning to wonder:
'I gained business skills but can I truly achieve fulfillment this way?'
Global leaders are increasingly advocating that inner growth (IDGs) is essential to achieve sustainable business practices (SDGs). This principle applies not only to society and management but also to businesses and individuals in the workforce. Mindfulness, emotional intelligence, the power of presence—all these areas of being, explored by philosophy, psychology, and religion, are now more relevant than ever for professionals in business.
With 25 years of experience tracking changes in social businesses, our founder has crafted a modern approach that bridges the dual paths of solving social business issues and nurturing personal ‘Being.’ This method is designed to be both practical and deeply fulfilling.
With our support, you will explore and discover this linkage for yourself.
Discover the reasons why even mastery in “Doing” may not fulfill your soul, and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling business life.
By revisiting fields like psychology, philosophy, and Zen, we redefine aspects of our personality and thought patterns, enabling us to live a more fulfilling business life.
A new process that creates value and action from your “Being”, your inner power
Unlike traditional methods that create value from external factors like market needs, our approach focuses on creating intrinsic, sustainable value from your “Being”. This connection between your life and work enables richer relationships and productive activities, fostering a fulfilling existence.
One-on-one interactive sessions
guiding actionable steps towards
specific businesses or careersEach person's thoughts and experiences in life are unique. Through one-on-one interactive sessions, you discover your own path and realize the disconnect between your “Being” and “Doing”. This clarity helps align your “Being” and enables specific actions for thought and behavior.
We've been hearing the term 'Being' lately. Can it be understood as one's true self or individuality?
No, it's a bit different. We will explain in detail in our actual course, but our concept of “Being” is defined as 'the power of being yourself.' It is not something that can be defined or seen, like one's true self or core identity. It is a state of well-aligned, formless energy.
Being refers to a state, not to individuality or unique characteristics of oneself. -
Is there a connection between “Being” and business?
We believe there is. We have seen cases where leaders may not feel truly happy even when business is thriving financially. Improving skills does not always lead to a fulfilling work life. We see 'personality' and 'self' as the 'starting point' of business and career.
Will taking the course on “Being” lead to a clear and abundant life?
In this course, you are the protagonist. If you take the course expecting it to deliver good results, there is a possibility that it may not receive your expectations. We provide theories and imagery-training to help you understand how your 'harmonized self' and the 'your business' are connected. You will explore and discover this linkage for yourself.
The exploration of “Being” is not something that is completed quickly, as the state of “Being” is constantly changing. Days focused only on profit or tasks tend to lead to a bias towards “Doing -skills and actions”. Such fluctuations are not seen as negative, but as necessary fluctuations in living in the modern world.
It is difficult to always maintain a harmonized “Being”, but you will learn methods to become aware when unstable. This training in imagining harmony may resemble Zen practice. -
What kind of theory is taught in this course? I'm not very interested if it's something I already know.
The theory taught in this course is completely original, linking the academic research of Luciano L'Abate (1928-2016), an Italian psychologist who worked in America, with the concept of business.
L'Abate was a personality development researcher, not a business researcher. He defined Being/Doing/Having in his original work in English, forming the foundation of our theory.
Additionally, the theory incorporates teachings on inner transformation by Eckhart Tolle, acclaimed as the author of 'the most popular book on spiritual growth in America' by The New York Times, as well as Zen philosophy. -
I believe that doing what I want to do is directly linked to my Being, but is that not the case?
Yes and No. If your Being is harmonized and you are doing what you want to do, then yes, it is directly linked. However, there are also times when what you think you want to do is actually something you have been doing well and have been socially praised for.
At the root of 'what you love to do' lies a harmonized self, and when this root is directly connected to the self, one can engage in actions calmly and abundantly. -
How does the teacher proceed?
Firstly, the instructer is more a guide than a teacher in a sense. She rather walk alongside you as a guiding partner.
She spend some time explaining our theory and address and resolve the habits and stumbling blocks in your thinking, so that you can apply our theory in your daily life.
For Business Owners &
EntrepreneursWe recommend if you…
- Have acquired business skills(doing skills). I feel that in order to live a happier version of myself, I need to grow internally.
- Want to create a new business that isn't bound by the times or existing systems.
- Want to develop unwavering leadership without being swayed by external circumstances.
- Want to connect my energy and businesses to create a happier business.
CEO 30’sよくある「目標達成型アプローチ」のような外部要因をゴールにするのではなく、人生といった大きな括りの中で、無理のない自分ごとの目標設定を行うことが新鮮でした。
クライアントとの仕事をする際、“等身大の自分でいよう”と心掛けるようにはなりました。プレゼンの時など、私自身少し悪いクセで見栄えから良くしようと考えがちになってしまうのですが、今回の講座を受けて以降、率直な素の状態で資料を作ろう、本質的に大事なことへしっかりフォーカスしよう、そのように気持ちがシフトしています。自分(会社)をよく見せようという邪念は取り除き、無駄な情報や意志が省かれ洗礼された資料を作り上げたい、そのように思っています。Kento Ushiro
Second Entrepreneur, 30’s今から自分は使命を全うするために具体的に行動していくフェーズであるという認知ができたことで、エネルギーの方向性を定めることができました。
Free initial consultation,
personalized plan tailored to your needs.
Wthat is Being Business Design
- The connection between Being and Business
- What is sccess in business and life
What is Being
- Understanding Being/Doing/Having
- Process of Personality Development
- Balance Check
- Case Studies
- Expressing Creativity with Being as the Core
Paying attention to my Being
- Realizing the True Self
- Check Exercises
- Transforming Fixed Beliefs
- Paying attention to Being
Letting Go of Stereotype
- Exercise on letting go of stereotype or judgment patterns
- Let go of things that block your awareness of Being.
Enhancing Business and Marketing
Based on the above, we co-create or rebuild your business.
Go to Strategic &
Marketing Partner page
*The session participants receive a ¥30,000 discount
Session overview
Course Format
- One on one Sessions
- A natural setting recommended
(also available for consultation online)
Frequency & Cost
- Initial consultation free of charge, with a personalized plan tailored to your needs, frequency, and topics.
- Approximately 3~ sessions (3 sessions, ¥50,000 including tax) with travel expenses billed separately.
away from daily settings
boost effectiveness
For Job Seekers &
life-shiftersWe recommend if you…
- Want the ability to consider my life and career without being swayed by my environment or surroundings.
- Are not yet sure what you want to do, but I want to dig into my roots and live a better life every day.
- Want to work with a focus on the axis of life, not just on the axis of job/career.
We all inevitably wonder how we can contribute to the world and how others perceive us as we live our lives.
However, focusing solely on these aspects can weaken the self or your energy.
We co-create an abundant future of living and career after aligning your own energies and “Being”.
Free initial consultation,
personalized plan tailored to your needs.
What is Being Business Design
- The connection between life/career and Being
- Why to pay attention to Being
What is Being
- Understanding Being/Doing/Having
- Process of Personality Development
- Balance Check
- Case Studies
- Expressing Creativity with Being as the Core
Paying attention to Being
- Realizing the True Self
- Check Exercises
- Transforming Fixed Beliefs
- Focus on your Being
Letting Go of Stereotype
- Exercise on letting go of stereotype or judgment patterns about business and interpersonal relationships
- What hinders awareness of Being?
Manifestation of career and life design
This part will be provided when necessary. Often it becomes unnecessary once Being is clarified and harmonized.
Session overview
Course Format
- One on one Sessions
- A natural setting recommended
(also available for consultation online)
Frequency & Cost
- Initial consultation free of charge, with a personalized plan tailored to your needs, frequency, and topics.
- Approximately 3~ sessions (3 sessions, ¥50,000 including tax) with travel expenses billed separately.
away from daily settings
boost effectiveness
Guiding Partner

Mayuko (May) Kaneda
A nature lover in her40s.
Passionate about nature backpacking through the great outdoors of Asia and Africa in her 20's, and getting a forestry license in her 40's.
Lived in the United States and India.
Born into a family of researchers, grew up unconcerned with the opinions/evaluations of other people, adept at unknowingly noticing those who are concerned with others' opinions.