Non-Chemical Skincare x Web planning
Clients:Laviedor K.K.
New Website Planning, concept creation for non-chemical skincare product
Social corporations
Co-Creating sustainable businesses,
balancing social problem-solving
and profitability.Supporting your vision with our 20-year expertise in contemplating social business, and our strength in strategic marketing.
Our Expertise
Pivot your existing businesses
Starting-up a new oneEnhance strategy and marketing
Join as a team member
like a managing partnerEmpowering
startups/entrepreneursPlan optimized online strategy
and build a website
Connect your unique way of life with your business
Be a happiest and sustainable business owner.We, not only auto-respond to visible market needs, but also create intrinsic value that doesn't cater to the market, delivering it to the true customers.
We support social businesses using a business framework that strengthens them.
A professional, well-versed in value creation and marketing strategies, will work alongside you to progress your business and projects through collaborative work.
We create change together as members who share the same vision.
We don't just aim for profit; we share our thoughts and values, sometimes saying no, to create happiness for your team and our society.
Co-create values
Start a business
Plan products or services
Run marketing
projectsCreate new products/services
Rebuild existing
businessesDevelop web
First, we will design the content and frequency of sessions based on your company's business phase and challenges.
Common and frequent content
Learn about Being/Doing/Having ideas and the difference between service content & "value."
You will learn about the difference between service content and "value." Additionally, we listen to you and discuss with you to clarify your company's vision, business strategy, your thoughts as a business owner, the background of your products and services, and your company's strengths and unique features.
Clarify better target
Make "who" more clear and impactful. Vague targets won't lead to success. Your business won’t resonate with anyone. We'll narrow down the target audience that your services will resonate with.
Building brand concept or product concept
We consider how to differentiate and structure multiple products, services, and programs to make them clear and easy for your customers to understand.
Refining your business and concept
As needed,you will conduct interviews with potential customers to validate business and concept hypotheses, and refine them into the best possible business or concept.
We will create pricing and presentation content for your customers
We review the concept and revise the messages, service structure and presentation to be attractive.
Business plan creation
We provide support for business plan creation, especially for startups. We also offer assistance in creating business plans for competitions and financing purposes.
Our wonderful clients / partners
*Published only approved cases
Fair Trade Product x Product planning
Place:Nagoya, Kyoto, Online
New Product Planning, concept creation for fair trade product
Social Product x New sales scheme
Clients:180 Inc.
Business Concept creation, Social products sales promotions through collaborations
Baby support × New business launch support
Launch support, support to decide concept/ service/ price/ marketing
Health Service × Start-up Support
Clients:QAL 100 Co., Ltd.
Start-up a company, re-location of a gym, business planning, website planning and direction
Legal Entity Type
Non-profit corporation / NGO / Incorporated association / Corporation / Limited liability company / Temples / Sole proprietorship / University
Business Type
Medical business / Healthcare business / Educational business / Skincare / Exercise / Food / Fair trade coffee / Japanese Traditional hand-crafts / Agriculture
Owner Type
Entrepreneurs / Woman entrepreneurs / Student entrepreneurs / Traditional craftsman / Healthcare professionals / Athletes / Mothers / Foreigners / LGBTs / Monks / Legal Professionals