株式会社CAREER LABO(キャリア・ラボ)様
女性向けサービス × 新事業立上げ支援
Service for women × New business launch
Language: Japanese & English
Work: User research, Service planning support
Place: Kyoto
Year: 2019~
Career Labo
CAREER LABO provides services for women who wants to startup own businesses that leverage their own strength and attractiveness.
新事業企画のための、プランニングのサポートをしています。 既存ユーザー向けの定性調査を行い、それをもとに代表者様がターゲッティングや企画、ブランディングを検討する材料をご提案させていただいたり、また新事業に向けたサービス企画や資料作成も行っています。
We are supporting the directior’s new business planning. Out mission has started from conducting a small quantitative research to the users, support and provide suggestions for the director to make decision of targeting, business planning and branding. We also did translation project that reflects the director’s vision and her unique style. We continue to help her to add more services by planning additional services followed by implementation support by creating marketing documents.