Bhasha Research and Publication centre様
NGO × 新規事業
NGO × Promotion
Language: English
Work: Fair Trade trial of tribal’s products, documentation and conservation of marginal culture and languages.
Place: Gujarat, India
year: 2004
Bhasha Research and Publication center
Bhasha Research and Publication center(インド・グジャラート州)は、インド政府の部民族省に認められたNGOです。インドには当時300の少数民族があり、現代化するにつれて失われるその文化・言語・アート・社会調査を保全し残していこうとする団体です。
Bhasha Research and Publication center(Gujarat, India) is an NGO recognized by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India. In india that time, there were more than 300 tribal communities. Bhasha conserves their culture, languages, arts, social harmony that were marginal in the modernization.
I worked for them as volunteer worker living near the NGO and also sometimes living in a tribal community. I worked with other volunteers coming from all over the world mostly Europe. We tried to start fair trade, sold tribal products in main-stream Indian society, documented tribal culture and arts.