伝統工芸 一閑張 飛来一閑 泉王子家 家元14代目瑞宝様
伝統工芸 × Webディレクション
Japanese Traditional Art × Web Direction
Language: Japanese & English
Work: Website planning & direction
Place: Kyoto, Remote
Year: 2020
一閑張Ikkanbari Art
飛来一閑泉王子家 家元14代目瑞宝様は、400年続く一閑張の家元です。女性の家元さんで、びっくりするくらい気さくな方です。
瑞宝様との出会いは、ひょんなことから、Be Thinkがアトリエを訪ねたところから始まりました。瑞宝様がアトリエでお話ししてくれたことは、最初半分しか理解していなかったと思います(笑)「え?話が400年前から、昨日のこと、そして未来へ、急に飛ぶなんて、時空スケール大きすぎる!」という良い意味で頭の中がパニックを起こしました。
The 14th Iemoto -the head of the family, of this Japanese traditional art is surprisingly friendly. She might not be a typical traditional head of Japanese traditional crafts.
When I first visited her studio (atelier), I only could understand what she was talking about 50%. Stories that she talked went from 400 years ago to yesterday and to the future. It was like traveling into the past and future! My brain was in panic 😉
Her story was not only like time machine but also circulated around the globe. Right after she talked about a telescope by Ikkanbari technique in Edo-era of Japan, she said the telescope in Europe. Then she jumped into an order last year from France, then she talked about an order from a temple in Kyoto.
Hearing these stories that I understood 50%, I thought "Her story has to be easier for anyone to see the value." Without any traditional art or history of Japan, anyone should understand her story because all her stories were so valuable both for each person and Japanese history.
Ikkanbari is a Japanese Traditional Art that has continued from Edo era for 400 years. The layering of Japanese Washi paper affords a lightness of weight and strength that belies expectations. The lacquer and Kakishibu stain applied at the end make the finish products waterproof, insect resistant, and preservative properties,
for which they have long been cherished as practical implements for use in daily life.
When I actually made the art, I reaffirmed the importance of "using bare hands." Nowadays, people tend to be too smart, and there are many factors that cause us to lose our sensibilities.
She always talks about her belief which handed over 400 years in the Ikkanbari family. "Use your bare hands. If you make a mistake, correct the trajectory. Develop your sensibilities, and be impressed by what yourself make." I couldn't make anything of value as a traditional craft, but I felt that this process was truly necessary for modern society.
Every time when I say "Oooops, I made a mistake" then she follows saying "Daijobu, Daijobu - It's all right, it's all right, you can fix as much as you want. It is same as life" When we talk about Japanese traditional art crafts, we usually think about "THINGs" but actually Ikkanbari is a mental art as well as being a paper crafts.
ウェブサイトの企画とディレクションを行いました。瑞宝様と話し合いを重ね、ページ内容を詰め、テキスト執筆も含めて行いました。写真撮影も、一緒に外出し、わいわいと楽しく進めさせていただきました。デザインとコーディングはBe Thinkのコラボパートナ様に依頼をしました。
I worked with the 14th Iemoto -the head of the family, of the Japanese traditional art, and created contents of a web website. Web direction work included website structure planning, text writing and photographing.